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Mental Health Awareness
AccAccording to NAMI, 1 in 5 adults in the U.S. experience a mental illness each year. Chances are someone you know and love is the 1 in 5.
She Who Must Not Be Named
With the recent announcement from HBO about the first ever scripted Harry Potter television series, there has been a lot of online...
Networking Tips
Earlier this year I had my first networking call with a LinkedIn connection and I was really nervous. Am I crazy? What sort of questions...
International Women's Day
Today and everyday I am grateful for the women who fought for our future—and those who keep fighting—so I can have all of the...
Develop Soft Skills
Have you ever felt like you're not qualified for a position because you don't have enough skills—or the "right" skills? Chances are...
What I’d Tell My Younger Self
In the United States each year, did you know 19.1% (estimated 48 million people) have an anxiety disorder? I am one of the 48 million...
Celebrate Yourself
Today I celebrated my one year work anniversary as a project manager with a local sign company that works with several major national...
A Hiccup Isn't Failure
Last week I failed ... or so I thought. Since March 5, I had posted one blog post a week totaling 25 blog posts in 4 months. Until last...
Grow Thru The Discomfort
Does anyone find posting online in a professional sense to grow your personal brand intimidating? Because I sure do! Whether it’s...
Project Management Wisdom
The past ten months have been very challenging as I’ve adjusted to a new job in a new industry. My new role as a project manager has...
I Wrote 18 Posts In 18 Weeks
One of my goals for 2022 is to grow my personal brand, and developing my blog and my online portfolio seemed like the best place to...
Dissecting My Favorite Series
I don't remember when the story of Harry Potter—the Chosen One—first entered my life. I don't remember the first time I picked up the...
4 Great Instagram Lessons
In November 2019, I visited Universal Orlando Resort for the first time. On my first trip, I visited mostly to see the Wizarding World of...
Launching My Personal Brand
Growth and happiness lie in the fear of the unknown. It's scary—frankly terrifying at times—putting ourselves out there and trying...
Navigating the "Real World"
When we finish undergrad, we often fell a sense of relief combined with excitement and eagerness to begin our next steps into the "real...
Job Hunting with Anxiety
Many of us have traveled along the tough, tiresome, and emotionally taxing road known as job hunting. It’s exhausting. It’s long. It...
One Year After Graduation
It’s been one year (and some odd days) since I graduated college, but it can still be difficult to realize how much time has gone by....
Pop Culture In My Research
Since graduation, I have reflected on my undergraduate career and the great deal of time I dedicated towards my studies during the last...
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